Thomas P
Nov 30, 2010, 01:00
My school’s STEM Team (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) purchased three benchtop lasers from DragonLasers to develop a full color laser scanner (laser show). The team at DragonLasers helped me to choose the lasers that would fit our budget and provide sufficient power to create a spectacular show. With their advice, I selected a 100mW 532nm, a 300mW 473nm, and a 500mW 650nm laser, which provides a nearly “white” beam with all three lasers near full power. All three had fast analog power control installed. The lasers arrived quickly, well-packed, and well-documented, and in 4 months of daily use, there have been no problems; these are plug-and-play devices.
The lasers integrated into our show quickly and easily; both the laser head and the power supplies are sturdy and compact allowing the entire show to be housed on a 12”x18” board. As the attached pictures show, the final laser scanner produces wall-filling graphics that are visible in full light. In the dark, the show is spectacular. Independent control of the thee laser powers allows the image to be projected in any color, and we hope to bring this under computer control soon. The photo below was taken at a demonstration of our laser show at the Massachusetts FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) Championship. The show was a hit and was an inspiration to many of the participants. Thank you for your help in developing this project and for your great lasers.