M Series 532nm Laser, 1-300mW

Ratings and Reviews of M Series 532nm Laser, 1-300mW

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Score: 5.00 (votes: 16)
Score: 5.00 (votes: 16)
Rating of votes (16)
Customer reviews
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Items: 1116 of 16, per page
  • Kyle H - USA - May 2010
    May 30, 2010, 02:00
    After creating a concept which would utilize a Laser line as an aesthetic element in a sculpture, I came in contact with a DragonLasers' representative. I new what I wanted to do with the Laser line I just didn't know if it was possible. With the help of DragonLasers' representative, my concept materialized into an amazing piece of art. Never before have I received from another company even a fraction of the amount of help that DragonLasers' provided. This positive experience has insured that I purchase from DragonLasers again.
  • John S - USA - Jan 2010
    Jan 30, 2010, 02:00
    We ordered the 100mW 532nm lab laser. This is a very powerful, very bright laser. Rated output should be considered a MINIMUM output rather than the wishful thinking output of other lasers. The unit is very well constructed and Dragonlaser produced a custom cable for us without issue.
  • Liviu S - Israel – Sep 2009
    Sep 30, 2009, 02:00
    I've purchased three lasers from Dragon and several safety goggles. Everything
    arrived in order and is working exactly as expected. The price was very competitive
    but the most significant positive impression was their constant responsiveness.
    For every question and request I've received a fast answer and good treatment.
    Finally, I'm very satisfied and impressed with the service and the products that
    I have received from Dragon Lasers.
  • William A from USA – July 2009
    Jul 30, 2009, 02:00
    The purpose of this message is to express complete satisfaction with the 400 mW 532 nm OEM style laser module with TTL modulation that we recently purchased from Dragonlaser. The laser beam quality is excellent, the price is excellent, and the laser is both of high quality and is robust. We plan to purchase more lasers from Dragonlaser in the future.
  • Alexei L PhD laser physicist - USA - June 2009
    Jun 30, 2009, 02:00
    Dragon Lasers has a wide choice of small, but powerful lasers of different colors from IR to Blue. They are reliable, price competitive and technical data are trustworthy. I purchased first several lasers(green/IR) 8 mon ago. I checked the power and all data were in spec or a little bit above to what I ordered. Now I am ordering more lasers of higher power. Another nice option is that you can get appropriate protective eye goggle at the same site. Always wear safety goggles when working with lasers(above 10-20mW) otherwise you may damage the retina.

    I highly recommend Dragon Lasers.
  • Todd L - USA - Jan 2009
    Jan 30, 2009, 02:00
    We received our low noise 532nm, 200mW green laser in late 2008 and put the instrument to immediate use! Our application is an interferometric technique, and the coherency of these lasers worked perfectly for our use. Within the first day of using the laser, we had our complete instrument up and working. With a few refinements the next day, it was operating in top form. The stability of the laser has proven exceptional over the past 2 weeks, and we always get the data we want at the turn of the laser power key. Thanks, Dragonlasers.com, great product. Would recommend to anyone.

    Please note: This testimonial is for a version of the 532GLM200 custom built with a low noise function.
Items: 1116 of 16, per page